Jumping on the Social Media Network. I use to feel like I knew a bit about computers, but I have learned so much in the past two weeks and at the same time...feel overwhelmed and like I have learned nothing!! Like I am going backwards in my computer knowledge!! I have also learned alot about google. This is definately big brother watching! (and judging!! hopefully I am not jinxing myself on my very first blog!) I use to trust my searches. I was a pro at reviewing, researching, pricing, purchasing, etc. Now I'm not so sure. Now that I have been searching SEO's, Social Media tools, etc. etc. reading books, articles, blogs, etc. my thinking has been a bit skewed. Maybe the people with the most computer knowlege, money, and everything else needed to put them on top of the google searches paved my way into the internet path. In the past I never went past page 3 on google to find what I was looking for. Now that I'm a bit more educated I feel like I should start on page 5 and work my way backwards to find a bit of what I'm looking for, find a bit of honesty. This internet stuff is "BIG BUSINESS" and unless your willing to take lots of time and effort and do the research and most important, "Keep it up....forever!" think twice about jumping in.........
So far I have taken 3 hours to try to put a template together to make my blog look professional and it doesn't. I wasn't going to even type a post until it was done but I just want to accomplish something!! So for right now, don't judge the cover......